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Education Background
B.S. Wildlife Science, Mississippi State University

M.S., University of Georgia

Research Focus 
Effects of landscape-level characteristics on marsh bird distribution and

abundance in Mississippi tidal marshes 



Project Summary

My general interests include the fields of landscape ecology, natural resource

management, and conservation biology.  My research focused primarily on

the influence that landscape-scale characteristics have on the abundance and

distribution of breeding marsh birds in coastal Mississippi, specifically within

the boundary of the Department of Marine Resources’ Coastal Preserves Program. 

Using the Standardized North American Marsh Bird Monitoring Protocol

(Conway, 2009) and various geospatial techniques and applications, I assessed

marsh bird use across the Preserves system and determine which landscape metrics best predict occupancy.  Ultimately, this information will be used to focus management efforts, evaluate the effects of natural and anthropogenic alterations to the landscape, and provide a framework for future monitoring and research.

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