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Peer-reviewed Journal Articles


112.  Jones, C. D., K. W. Stodola, J. Coombs, M. P. Ward, and R. J. Cooper. 2017. Responses of

Bachmans sparrows and prairie warblers to fragmentation. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:347-355.


111.  Hunter, E. A., N. P. Nibbelink, and R. J. Cooper. 2017. Divergent forecasts for two salt marsh

specialists in response to sea level rise. Animal Conservation 20:20-28.


110.  Stoker, D., A. J. Falkner, K. M. Murray, A. K. Lang, T. R. Barnum, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, M. J. Conroy, R. J. Cooper, and C. M. Pringle. 2017. Decomposition of terrestrial subsidies in headwater streams: Does consumer diversity matter? Ecosphere 8:8(6):e01868.10.1002/ecs2.1868


109.  Cooper, Z., R. Bringolf, R. Cooper, K. Loftis, A. L. Bryan, and J. A. Martin. 2017. Heavy metal

bioaccumulation in two passerines with differing migration strategies. Science of the Total Environment 592:25-32.


108.  Hunter, E. A., N. P. Nibbelink, and R. J. Cooper. 2016. Threat predictability influences seaside

sparrow nest site selection when facing trade-offs from predation and flooding. Animal Behaviour 120:135-142.


107.  Ricks, W. E., R. J. Cooper, W. D. Gulsby, and K. V. Miller. 2016. Songbird use of white-tailed

deer (Odocoileus virginianus) food plots in Appalachian hardwood forests. Southeastern Naturalist 15:162-174.


106.  Newell Wohner, P. J., R. J. Cooper, R. S. Greenberg, and S. H. Schweitzer. 2016. Weather affects diet composition of rusty blackbirds wintering in suburban landscapes. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:91-100.


105.  Cline, M. H., J. L. Hatt, M. J. Conroy, and R. J. Cooper. 2016. Experimental evidence for a

phenotypic trait as an age-dependent intrasexual social signal between familiar individuals. Animal Behaviour 111:319-327.


104.  Hunter, E. A., N. P. Nibbelink, C. R. Alexander, K. Barrett, L. F. Mengak, R. K. Guy, C. T. Moore, and R. J. Cooper. 2015. Coastal vertebrate exposure to predicted habitat changes due to sea level rise. Environmental Management 56:1528-1537.


103.  Nuse, B.L., R.J. Cooper, and E.A. Hunter. 2015. Prospects for predicting changes to coastal 

wetland bird populations due to accelerated sea level rise. Ecosphere 6:art286.


102.  Hyslop, N. L., J. M. Meyers, R. J. Cooper, and D. J. Stevenson.  2014.  Effects of body size and sex of Drymarchon couperi (Eastern Indigo Snake) on habitat use, movements, and home range size in Georgia.  Journal of Wildlife Management 78:101-111.


101.  Jones, C. D., J. A. Cox, and R. J. Cooper. 2014. Bachman’s Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis) response to variation in the extent of burns conducted during the nesting season. Avian Conservation and Ecology 9(1): 3.


100.  Hernandez, S. M., B. J. Mattsson, V. E. Peters, R. J. Cooper, and C. R. Carroll.  2013.  Coffee

agroforests remain beneficial for Neotropical bird community conservation across seasons.  PLoS One 8(9) e65101:1-10.


99.  Stodola, K. W., E. T. Linder, and R. J. Cooper.  2013.  Indirect effects of an invasive exotic species on a long-distance migratory songbird.  Biological Invasions 15:1947-1959.


98.  Jones, C.D., J.A. Cox, E. Toriani-Moura, and R.J. Cooper.  2013.  Bachman’s Sparrow nest-site

characteristics and their relationship to plant succession following prescribed burns.  Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125:293-300.


97.  Peters, V. E., C. R. Carroll, R. J. Cooper, R. Greenberg, and M. Solis.  2013.  The contribution of

plant species with a steady-state flowering phenology to native bee conservation and bee pollination services.  Insect Conservation and Diversity 6:45-56.


96.  Lehmicke A, Berry B, Shamblin B, Lennon D, Woodrey M, Cooper R, Nairn C, 2012. Isolation and characterization of tetranucleotide microsatellite loci from the seaside sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus). Conservation Genet Resour 4:881-884. doi: 10.1007/s12686-012-9664-z.


95.  Woodrey, M. S., S. A. Rush, J. A. Cherry, B. L. Nuse, R. J. Cooper, and A. J. J. Lehmicke.  2012.  Understanding the potential impacts of global climate change on marsh birds in the Gulf of Mexico region.  Wetlands 32:35-49.


94.  Rush, S.A., N. Klaus, T. Keyes, J. Petrick, and R. Cooper.  2012.  Fire severity has mixed benefits to breeding bird species in the southern Appalachians. Forest Ecology and Management 263:94-100.


93.  Lane, V. R., K. V. Miller, S. B. Castleberry, R. J. Cooper, D. A. Miller, T. B. Wigley, G. M. Marsh,

and R. L. Mihalco.  2011.  Bird community responses to a gradient of site preparation intensities in pine plantations in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina.  Forest Ecology and Management  262:1668-1678.


92.  Awkerman, J. A., M. R. Marshall, A. B. Williams, G. A. Gale, R. J. Cooper, and S. Raimondo.  2011. Assessment of indirect pesticide effects on Worm-eating Warbler populations in a managed forest ecosystem.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30:1843-1851.


91.  Diggs, N. E., P. P. Marra, and R. J. Cooper.  2011.  Resource limitation drives patterns of habitat

occupancy during the nonbreeding season for an omnivorous songbird.  Condor 113:646-654.


90.  Mattsson, B. J., S. C. Latta, R. J. Cooper, and R. S. Mulvihill.  2011.  Latitudinal variation in

reproductive strategies by the migratory Louisiana Waterthrush.  Condor 113:412-418.


89.  Conroy, M. J., K. W. Stodola, and R. J. Cooper.  2011.  Effective use of data from monitoring

programs and field studies for conservation decision making: predictions, designs and models working together.  Journal of Ornithology 152:325-338.


88.  Conroy, M. J., M. C. Runge, J. D. Nichols, K. W. Stodola, and R. J. Cooper.  2011.  Conservation in the face of climate change: the roles of alternative models, monitoring, and adaptation in confronting and reducing uncertainty.  Biological Conservation 144:1204-1213.


87.  Mordecai, R. S., B. J. Mattsson, C. J. Tzilkowski, and R. J. Cooper.  2011.  Addressing challenges when studying mobile or episodic species: hierarchical Bayes estimation of occupancy and use.  Journal of Applied Ecology 48:56-66.


86.  Zehnder, C. B., K. W. Stodola, R. J. Cooper, and M. D. Hunter.  2010.  Spatial heterogeneity in the relative impacts of foliar quality and predation pressure on red oak, Quercus rubra, arthropod communities.  Oecologia 164:1017-1027.


85.  Stodola, K. W., E. T. Linder, D. A. Buehler, K. E. Franzreb, D. H. Kim, and R. J. Cooper.  2010.

Relative influence of male and female care in determining nestling mass in a migratory songbird.  Journal of Avian Biology 41:515-522.


84.  Klaus, N., S. Rush, T. Keyes, J. Petrick and R. Cooper.  2010.  Short-term effects of fire on breeding birds in southern Appalachian upland forests. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122: 518-531.


83.  Rush, S.A. and R.J. Cooper. 2010. The 2008 marsh bird ecology symposium: an introduction.

Waterbirds 33:364-366.


82.  Rush, S.A., R. Mordecai, M.S. Woodrey and R.J. Cooper.  2010.  Prey and habitat influences the movement of clapper rails in northern Gulf coast estuaries.  Waterbirds 33:389-396.


81.  Conroy, M.J., R.J. Cooper, S.A. Rush, K.W. Stodola, B.L. Nuse and M.S. Woodrey.  2010. Effective use of data from marshbird monitoring programs for conservation decision-making. Waterbirds 33:397-404.


80.  Peters, V. E., R. Mordecai, C. R. Carroll, R. J. Cooper, and R. Greenberg.  2010.  Bird community

response to fruit energy.  Journal of Animal Ecology 79:824-835.


79.  Rush, S.A., J. Olin, A.T. Fisk and R.J. Cooper.  2010.  Trophic relationships of a marsh bird differ

between Gulf Coast estuaries. Estuaries and Coasts 33:963-970.


78.  Rush, S. A., M. S. Woodrey, and R. J. Cooper.  2010.  Variation in the nesting habits of Clapper

Rails in northern Gulf of Mexico tidal marsh.  Condor 112:356-362.


77.  Lepczyk, C. A., N. Dauphine, D. M. Bird, S. Conant, R. J. Cooper, D. C. Duffy, P. J. Hatley, P. P. Marra, E. Stone, and S. A. Temple.  2010.  What conservation biologists can do to counter trap-neuter-return: response to Longcore et al.  Conservation Biology 24:627-629.


76.  Twedt, D. J., S. Somershoe, K. R. Hazler, and R. J. Cooper.  2010.  Landscape and vegetation

effects on avian reproduction in bottomland forest restorations.  Journal of Wildlife Management



75.  Stodola, K. W., E. T. Linder, D. A. Buehler, K. E. Franzreb, and R. J. Cooper.  2009.  Parental care in the multi-brooded black-throated blue warbler.  Condor 111:497-502.


74.  Mitchell, R., T. Engstrom, R. R. Sharitz, D. DeSteven, K. Hiers, R. Cooper, and L. K. Kirkman. 

 2009.  Old forests and endangered woodpeckers: old-growth in the Southern Coastal Plain. Natural Areas Journal 29:301-310.


73.  Hyslop, N. L., R. J. Cooper, and J. M. Meyers.  2009.  Seasonal shifts in shelter and microhabitat use of Drymarchon couperi (Eastern Indigo Snake) in Georgia.  Copeia 2009:458-464.


72.  Rush, S. A., E. C. Soehren, M. S. Woodrey, C. L. Graydon, and R. J. Cooper. 2009. Occupancy of

select marsh birds within northern Gulf of Mexico tidal marsh: current estimates and projected change.  Wetlands 29:798-808.


71.  Alstad, T. I., B. M. Shamblin, R. J. Warren, J. M. Stober, L. M. Conner, R. J. Cooper, and C. J. Nairn. 2009. Novel tetranucleotide and pentanucleotide microsatellite loci in the red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis).  Conservation Genet. Resources.  Published Online.


70.  Mordecai, R. S., R. J. Cooper, and R. Justicia.  2009.  A threshold response to habitat disturbance by forest birds in the Choco Andean corridor, Northwest Ecuador.  Biodiversity and Conservation 18:2421-2431.


69.  Hyslop, N. L., J. M. Meyers, R. J. Cooper, and T. M. Norton. 2009. Survival of radio-implanted

eastern indigo snakes (Drymarchon couperi) in relation to body size and sex.  Herpetologica



68.  Hyslop, N. L., J. M. Meyers, R. J. Cooper, and D. J. Stevenson. 2009. Indigo snake capture methods: effectiveness of two survey techniques for Drymarchon couperi in Georgia.  Florida Scientist 72:93-100.


67.  Zehnder, C. B., K. W. Stodola, B. L. Joyce, D. Egetter, R. J. Cooper, and M. D. Hunter.  2009.  

Elevational and seasonal variation in the foliar quality and arthropod community of striped maple, Acer pensylvanicum.  Environmental Entomology 38:1161-1167.


66.  Cooper, R. J., L. A. Wood, J. J. Gannon, and R. R. Wilson.  2009.  Effects of timber harvest and other factors on a floodplain forest indicator species, the prothonotary warbler.  Wetlands 29:574-585.

65.  Howell, J. E., C. T. Moore, M. J. Conroy, R. G. Hamrick, R. J. Cooper, R. E. Thackston, and J.
P. Carroll.  2009.  Conservation of northern bobwhite on private lands in Georgia, USA under uncertainty about landscape-level habitat effects.  Landscape Ecology 24:405-418.
64.  Mattsson, B. J., and R. J. Cooper.  2009.  Multiscale analysis of the effects of rainfall extremes
on reproduction by an obligate riparian bird in urban and rural landscapes. Auk 126:64-76.
63.  Rush, S. A., T. Maddox, A. T. Fisk, M. S. Woodrey, and R. J. Cooper.  2009.  A precise water
displacement method for estimating egg volume.  Journal of Field Ornithology 80:193-197.
62.  Rush, S. A., E. C. Soehren, K. W. Stodola, M. S. Woodrey, and R. J. Cooper.  2009.  Influence
of tidal height on detection of breeding marsh birds along the northern Gulf of Mexico.  Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:399-405.

61.  Mattsson, B. J., R. Mordecai, M. J. Conroy, J. T. Peterson, R. J. Cooper, and H. Christensen. 

2008.  Evaluating the Small Population Paradigm for Rare Large-bodied Woodpeckers, with Implications for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker.  Avian Conservation and Ecology 3:5


60.  Dauphine, N., A. Tsamalain-Yagkuag, and R. J. Cooper.  2008.  A new location and altitudinal range extension for Royal Sunangel Heliangelus regalis.  Cotinga 30:83-84.


59.  Dauphine, N., A. Tsamalain-Yagkuag, and R. J. Cooper.  2008.  Bird conservation in Aguaruna-Jivaro communities in the Cordillera de Colan, Peru.  Ornithologia Neotropical 19:587-594.


58.  Davis, A. K., N. E. Diggs, R. J. Cooper, and P. P. Marra.  2008.  Hematological stress indices reveal no effect of radio-transmitters on wintering Hermit Thrushes.  Journal of Field Ornithology 79:293-297.


57.  Turner, A. S., L. M. Conner, and R. J. Cooper.  2008.  Supplemental feeding of northern bobwhite affects red-tailed hawk spatial distribution.  Journal of Wildlife Management 72:428-432.


56.  Brown, J.D., D.E. Swayne, R.J. Cooper, R.E. Burns, and D.E. Stallknecht.  2007.  Persistence of H5 and H7 avian influenza viruses in water.  Avian Diseases 51 (1): 285-289.


55.  Dauphine, N., A. Tsamalain-Yagkuag, and R. J. Cooper.  2007.  First description of the nest of Brown Nunlet Nonnula brunnea.  Cotinga 28: 78-79.


54.  Mattsson, B. J., and R. J. Cooper.  2007.  Which life-history components determine breeding

productivity for individual songbirds? A case study of the Louisiana Waterthrush (Seiurus motacilla).  Auk 124:1186-1200.


53.  Pomara, L. Y., R. J. Cooper, and L. J. Petit.  2007.  Modeling the flocking propensity of passerine

birds in two Neotropical habitats.  Oecologia 153:121-133.


52.  Rush, S. S., R. J. Cooper, and M. S. Woodrey.  2007.  A nondestructive method for estimating the age of Clapper Rail eggs.  Journal of Field Ornithology 78:407-410.


51.  Mattsson, B. J., and R. J. Cooper.  2006.  Louisiana waterthrushes (Seiurus motacilla) and habitat assessments as cost-effective indicators of instream biotic integrity.  Freshwater Biology 51:1941-1958.


50.  Mattsson, B. J., J. M. Meyers, and R. J. Cooper.  2006.  Detrimental impacts of radiotransmitters on juvenile Louisiana Waterthrushes.  Journal of Field Ornithology 77:173-177.


49.  Cooper, R. J.  2005.  Book Review: Insect and bird interactions.  Auk 122:1019-1020.


48.  Cederbaum, S. B., J. P. Carroll, and R. J. Cooper.  2004.  Effects of alternative cotton agriculture on avian and arthropod populations.  Conservation Biology 18:1272-1282.


47.  Cooper, R. J.  2004.  Book Review: The American Bird Conservancy Guide to the 500 Most

Important Bird Areas in the United States.  Auk 121:977-978.


46.  Cooper, R. J.  2004.  Book Review: Nightjars and their allies: the Caprimulgiformes.  Auk 121:622-623.


45.  Hazler, K. R., D. E. W. Drumtra, M. R. Marshall, R. J. Cooper, and P. B. Hamel.  2004.  Common, but commonly overlooked: red-bellied woodpeckers as predators of songbird nests.  Southeastern Naturalist 3:467-474.


44.  Marshall, M. R., D. R. Diefenbach, L. A. Wood, and R. J. Cooper.  2004.  Annual survival estimation of migratory songbirds confounded by incomplete breeding site fidelity: study designs that may help.  Animal Diversity and Conservation 27:59-72.


43.  Marshall, M. R., and R. J. Cooper.  2004.  Territory size of a migratory songbird in response to

caterpillar density and foliage structure.  Ecology 85:432-445.


42.  Marshall, M. R., J. A. DeCecco, A. B. Williams, G. A. Gale, and R. J. Cooper.  2003.  Use of

regenerating clearcuts by late-successional bird species and their young during the post-fledging period.  Forest Ecology and Management 183:127-135.


41.  Pomara, L. Y., R. J. Cooper, and L. J. Petit.  2003.  Mixed-species flocking and foraging behavior of four neotropical warblers in Panamanian shade coffee fields and forests.  Auk 120:1000-1012.


40.  Donovan, T. M., C. J. Beardmore, D. N. Bonter, J. D. Brawn, R. J. Cooper, and 10 others.  2002. 

 Priority research needs for the conservation of neotropical migrant landbirds.  Journal of Field

Ornithology 73:329-339.


39.  Marshall, M. R., R. J. Cooper, J. A. DeCecco, J. Strazanac, and L. Butler.  2002.  Effects of experimentally reduced prey abundance on the breeding ecology of the red-eyed vireo.  Ecological Applications 12:261-280.


38.  Mullin, S. J., and R. J. Cooper.  2002.  Barking up the wrong tree: climbing performance of rat snakes and its implications for depredation of avian nests.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 80:591-595.


37.  Cooper, R. J., M. J. Conroy, and J. P. Carroll.  2001.  Wildlife biometrics training at the University of Georgia: adding quantitative emphasis to a wildlife management program.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:1049-1054.


36.  Gale, G. A., J. A. DeCecco, M. R. Marshall, W. R. McClain, and R. J. Cooper.  2001.  Effects of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) defoliation on forest birds: a broad-scale assessment using Breeding Bird Census data.  Journal of Field Ornithology 72:291-304.


35.  Anderson, S. C., J. A. Kupfer, R. R. Wilson, and R. J. Cooper.  2000.  Estimating canopy cover removed by selection cutting: a linked regression-GIS approach based on stump diameters.  Forest Ecology and Management 137:171-177.


34.  DeCecco, J. A., M. R. Marshall, A B. Williams, G. A. Gale, and R. J. Cooper.  2000.  Comparative seasonal fecundity of four neotropical migratory birds in middle Appalachia.  Condor 102:653-663.


33.  Mullin, S. J., and R. J. Cooper.  2000.  The foraging ecology of the gray rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta spiloides) II.  Influence of variable habitat structural complexity on snakes foraging for arboreal avian prey.  Amphibia-Reptilia 21:211-222.


32.  Mullin, S. J., W. H. N. Gutzke, G. D. Zenitsky, and R. J. Cooper.  2000.  Home ranges of rat snakes in different habitats.  Herpetological Review 31:20-22.         


31.  Roberts, D. L., R. J. Cooper, and L. J. Petit.  2000.  Flock characteristics of ant-following birds in premontane moist forest and coffee agroecosystems in western Panama. Ecological Applications 10:1414-1425.


30.  Roberts, D. L., R. J. Cooper, and L. J. Petit.  2000.  Use of premontane moist forest and shade coffee agroecosystems by army ants in western Panama.  Conservation Biology 14:192-199.


29.  Cooper, R. J., R. R. Wilson, G. D. Zenitsky, S. J. Mullin, J. A. DeCecco, M. R. Marshall, D. J. Wolf, and L. Y. Pomara.  1999.  Does nonrandom nest placement imply nonrandom nest predation?—Reply.  Condor 101:920-923.


28.  Carroll, J. P., R. J. Cooper, and K. V. Miller.  1998.  Non-thesis Master’s degree: is it good for the

student or the profession?  Wildlife Society Bulletin 26:961-963.


27.  DeCecco, J. A., M. G. Waldron, and R. J. Cooper.  1998.  Results of a long-term survey of shorebird use in Memphis, Tennessee.  The Migrant 69:118-123.


26.  Kellner, C. J., and R. J. Cooper.  1998.  Two instances of kleptoparasitism in passerines.  Journal of Field Ornithology 69:55-57.


25.  McCasland, C. S., R. J. Cooper, and D. A. Barnum.  1998.  Implications for the use of diflubenzuron to reduce arthropod populations inhabiting evaporation ponds of the San Joaquin Valley, California.  Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 60:702-708.


24.  Mullin, S. J., and R. J. Cooper.  1998.  The foraging ecology of the gray rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta spiloides) – visual stimuli facilitate location of arboreal prey.  American Midland Naturalist



23.  Mullin, S. J., R. J. Cooper, and W. H. N. Gutzke.  1998.  The foraging ecology of the gray rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta spiloides) III.  Searching for different prey types in structurally varied habitats.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:548-555.


22.  Smith, W. P., D. J. Twedt, P. B. Hamel, R. P. Ford, D. A. Wiedenfeld, and R. J. Cooper.  1998. 

Increasing point count duration increases standard error.  Journal of Field Ornithology 69:450-456.


21.  Wilson, R. R., and R. J. Cooper.  1998.  Breeding biology of Acadian flycatchers in a bottomland

hardwood forest.  Wilson Bulletin 110:226-232


20.  Wilson, R. R., and R. J. Cooper.  1998.  Acadian flycatcher nest placement: does placement

influence reproductive success?  Condor 100:673-679.


19.  DeCecco, J. A., and R. J. Cooper.  1996.  Shorebird migration at a Mississippi River wastewater

treatment plant.  Proceedings Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 1996:221-227.


18.  Cooper, R. J., and H. R. Smith.  1995.  Predation on gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) egg

masses by birds.  Environmental Entomology 24:571-575.


17.  Dunk, J. R., and R. J. Cooper.  1994.  Territory size regulation in black-shouldered kites.  Auk



16.  Colwell, M. A., and R. J. Cooper.  1993.  Estimates of coastal shorebird abundance: the importance of multiple counts.  Journal of Field Ornithology 64:293-301.


15.  Cooper, R. J., K. M. Dodge, D. K. Thurber, R. C. Whitmore, and H. R. Smith.  1993.  Response of

 ground-level wildlife food plants to canopy defoliation by the gypsy moth.  Proceedings Annual

 Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 1993:268-275.


14.  Sample, B. E., R. J. Cooper, R. D. Greer, and R. C. Whitmore.  1993.  Estimation of insect biomass by length and width.  American Midland Naturalist 129:234-240.


13.  Sample, B. E., R. J. Cooper, and R. C. Whitmore.  1993.  Dietary shifts among songbirds from a

diflubenzuron-treated forest.  Condor 95:616-624.


12.  Whitmore, R. C., B. E. Sample, and R. J. Cooper.  1993.  Bird fat levels as a measure of effect in

forests treated with diflubenzuron.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 12:2059-2064.


11.  Cooper, R. J., K. M. Dodge, P. J. Martinat, S. B. Donahoe, and R. C. Whitmore.  1990.  Effect of

diflubenzuron application on eastern deciduous forest birds.  Journal of Wildlife Management



10.  Cooper, R. J., and R. C. Whitmore.  1990.  Arthropod sampling methods in ornithology.  Studies in Avian Biology 13:29-37.


9.  Cooper, R. J., P. J. Martinat, and R. C. Whitmore.  1990.  Dietary similarity among insectivorous birds: influence of taxonomic versus ecological categorization of prey.  Studies in Avian Biology



8.  Rosenberg, K. V., and R. J. Cooper.  1990.  Approaches to avian diet analysis. Studies in Avian Biology 13:80-90.


7.  Cooper, R. J.  1988.  Book Review.  Wildlife 2000: Modeling habitat relationships of terrestrial vertebrates.  Wilson Bulletin 100:697-699.


6.  Martinat, P. J., C. C. Coffman, K. M. Dodge, R. J. Cooper, and R. C. Whitmore.  1988.  Effect of diflubenzuron on the canopy arthropod community in a central Appalachian forest.  Journal of Economic Entomology 81:261-267.


5.  Cooper, R. J., K. M. Dodge, and R. C. Whitmore.  1987.  Estimating defoliation using stratified point intercept sampling.  Forest Science 33:157-163.


4.  Martinat, P. J., V. Christman, R. J. Cooper, K. M. Dodge, R. C. Whitmore, G. Booth, and G. Seidel.  1987.  Environmental fate of Dimilin 25-W in a central Appalachian forest.  Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 39:142-149.


3.  Cooper, R. J. 1982.  Range expansion of the Whip-poor-will in Georgia.  Oriole 47:1-9.


2.  Cooper, R. J.  1981.  Relative abundance of Georgia caprimulgids based on call counts.  Wilson Bulletin 93:363-371.


1.  Capen, D. E., R. J. Cooper, and R. M. DeGraaf.  1979.  Nongame birds of northeastern forest:  population trends, habitat associations, research needs.  Proc. Northeast. Fish Wildl. Conf. 36:69-75.


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles in Review or in Revision after favorable Review


Jones, C.D, K. W. Stodola, J. Coombs, M. Ward, and R. J. Cooper.  In press.  Effects of fragmentation

on movements of Bachman’s Sparrows (Peucaea aestivalis) and Prairie Warblers (Setophaga discolor): over the field or through the woods?    Condor.


Lehmicke, A. J. J., J. C. Nairn, M. S. Woodrey, and R. J. Cooper.  In revision after favorable review. 

Extra-pair paternity in the seaside sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus): a potential case of sexual conflict?  Behavioral Ecology.


Wohner, P. N., R. J. Cooper, R. Greenberg, and S. A. Schweitzer.  In review. Influence of weather on

patch use by wintering Rusty Blackbirds in suburban landscapes.  Condor.



Books authored and edited


Bonney, R., D. N. Pashley, R. J. Cooper, and L. Niles, editors.  2000.  Strategies for bird conservation: the Partners in Flight planning process.  Proceedings RMRS-P-16, Ogden, UT.  USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  281pp.



Chapters in Books and Published Proceedings


Batzer, D. P., R. Cooper, and S. Wissinger.  2014.  Wetland animal ecology.  Pp. 151-184 in Batzer, D.

P., and R. R. Sharitz (eds.).  Ecology of freshwater and estuarine wetlands, Second Edition.  University of California Press.


Dauphine, N., and R. J. Cooper.  2009.  Impacts of free-ranging domestic cats (Felis catus) on birds in the United States: a review of recent research with conservation and management recommendations.  Pp. 205-219 in Rich, T, and C. J. Ralph, (eds.).  Proceedings of the Fourth International Partners in Flight Conference.


Batzer, D. P., S. Wissinger, and R. J. Cooper.  2006.  Wetland animal ecology.  Pp. 242-284 in Batzer, D. P., and R. R. Sharitz (eds.).  Ecology of freshwater and estuarine wetlands.  University of California Press.


Cooper, R. J., J. A. DeCecco, M. R. Marshall, A. B. Williams, G. A. Gale, and S. B. Cederbaum.  2005. 

Bird studies.  Pp. 51-65 in Strazanac, J. S., and L. Butler (eds.). Long-term evaluation of the effects of Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki, gypsy moth nucleopolyhedrosis virus product Gypchek, and Entomophaga maimaiga on nontarget organisms in mixed broadleaf-pine forests in the central Appalachians. 


Drumtra, D. E. W., and R. J. Cooper.  2005.  Terrestrial arthropod communities in bottomland

hardwood forests.  Pp. 191-200 in Frederickson, L., and S. King (eds.).  Ecology and management of bottomland hardwood systems: the state of our understanding.  Stackpole Books.


Heitmeyer, M. E., R. J. Cooper, J. G. Dickson, and B. D. Leopold.  2005.  Ecological relationships of

warmblooded vertebrates in bottomland hardwood ecosystems.  Pp. 281-306 in Frederickson, L., and S. King (eds.).  Ecology and management of bottomland hardwood systems: the state of our understanding.  Stackpole Books.


Cooper, R. J., G. A. Gale, and L. A. Brennan.  2000.  Doing it yourself: integrating management,

monitoring, and research using large scale manipulative experiments.  Pp. 220-224 In Bonney, R., et al. (eds.), Strategies for bird conservation: the Partners in Flight Planning Process. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-16.


Cooper, R. J., and N. Nur.  2000.  On the need for demographic approaches to answer questions about conservation and management of migratory landbirds.  Pp. 163-165 in Bonney, R. et al. (eds.), Strategies for bird conservation: the Partners in Flight Planning Process.  USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-16.


Marshall, M. R., R. R. Wilson, and R. J. Cooper.  2000.  Estimating survival of neotropical-nearctic

migratory birds: are they dead or just dispersed?  Pp. 195-199 In Bonney, R., et al. (eds.), Strategies for bird conservation: the Partners in Flight Planning Process.  USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-16.


Sauer, J. R., and R. J. Cooper.  2000.  Population and habitat assessment: monitoring bird populations over large areas.  Pp. 113-114 In Bonney, R., et al. (eds.), Strategies for bird conservation: the Partners in Flight Planning Process.  USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-16.


Twedt, D. J., P. B. Hamel, R. J. Cooper, and M. Woodrey.  2000.  An evaluation strategy for conservation goals of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley Migratory Bird Initiative.  Pp. 18-22 In Bonney, R., et al. (eds.), Strategies for bird conservation: the Partners in Flight Planning Process.  USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-16.


Cooper, R. J., and M. R. Marshall.  1997.  A land manager’s guide to simultaneously managing gypsy

moth and bird populations.  In 1997 Gypsy Moth Review.


Ford, R. P., R. J. Cooper, D. L. Helmers, J. E. Cely, R. M. Hatcher, D. H. Orr, and M. S. Woodrey.  1997. Birds of the southeastern United States: resource management programs.  Pp. 339-356 in Benz, G. W., and D. E. Collins (eds.). Aquatic Fauna in peril: the southeastern perspective.  Special Publication 1, Southeast Aquatic Research Institute, Lenz Design and Communications, Decatur, GA.


Hamel, P. B., R. J. Cooper, and W. P. Smith.  1996.  The uncertain future for cerulean warblers in the

Mississippi Alluvial Valley.  Pp. 95-109 in L. P. Heard and R. E. Stewart (eds.).  The Delta: connecting points of view for sustainable natural resources.


Rotenberry, J. T., R. J. Cooper, J. M. Wunderle, and K. G. Smith.  1995.  When and how are populations limited?  The roles of insect outbreaks, fire, weather, and other natural perturbations.  Pp. 55-84 in Martin, T. E., and D. M. Finch (eds).  Ecology and Management of neotropical migratory birds.  Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.


Smith, W. P., D. J. Twedt, R. J. Cooper, D. A. Wiedenfeld, P. B. Hamel, and R. P. Ford.  1995.  Sample

size and allocation of effort in point count sampling of birds in bottomland hardwood forests.  Pp. 7-17 in Ralph, C. J., J. R. Sauer, and S. Droege (eds).  Monitoring bird populations by point counts.  USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-149, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA.


Cooper, R. J., and R. P. Ford.  1994.  An introduction to neotropical migratory birds and Partners in

Flight.  Pp. 1-4 in Smith, W. P., and D. N. Pashley (eds.), A workshop to resolve conflicts in the conservation of migratory landbirds in bottomland hardwood forests.  U.S.D.A. For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. SO-114, New Orleans, LA.


Rotenberry, J. T., R. J. Cooper, J. M. Wunderle, and K. G. Smith.  1993.  Incorporating effects of natural disturbances in managed ecosystems.  Pp. 103-108 in D. M. Finch and T. E. Martin (eds.), Status and management of neotropical migratory birds.  U.S.D.A. For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM 229.  Rocky Mountain For. Range Exp. Sta., Fort Collins, CO.


Cooper, R. J.  1989.  Sampling canopy forest insects available to birds as prey.  Pp. 436-444 in L.

McDonald, B. Manly, J. Lockwood, and J. Logan (eds.).  Estimation and analysis of insect populations.  Lecture Notes in Statistics 55.  Springer-Verlag.


Cooper, R. J., K. M. Dodge, P. J. Martinat, H. R. Smith, and R. C. Whitmore.  1987.  Impacts of the

gypsy moth on nongame bird populations.  Pp. 48-58 in S. Fosbroke and R. R. Hicks (eds.), Coping with the gypsy moth in the new frontier.  West Virginia University Press, Morgantown.




Straight, C. A., and R. J. Cooper.  2000.  Chuck-will’s-widow (Caprimulgis carolinensis).  In The Birds of North America, No. 499 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.).  The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.  20 p.


Hamel, P. B., W. P. Smith, D. J. Twedt, J. R. Woehr, E. Morris, R. B. Hamilton, and R. J. Cooper.  1996. A land manager’s guide to point counts of birds in the southeast.  U.S.D.A. Forest Service Gen.

Tech. Rep. SO-120, New Orleans, LA.  39 p.


Smith, W. P., D. J. Twedt, D. A. Wiedenfeld, P. B. Hamel, R. P. Ford, and R. J. Cooper.  1993.  Point

counts of birds in bottomland hardwood forests of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: duration,

minimum sample size, and points versus visits.  U.S.D.A. Forest Service Res. Pap. SO-274. Southern Forest Experiment Station, New Orleans, LA. 21 p.


Short, H. L., and R. J. Cooper. 1985.  Habitat suitability index models:  Great Blue Heron.  U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Biol. Rep. 82 (10.99).  23 pp.



Other Significant Contributions


Note: these are publications, often government documents, on which I am not necessarily listed as an author, but to which I made a significant contribution as part of a large multidisciplinary team.


Cooper, R. J., and W. C. Hunter.  2000.  Partners in Flight Southern Piedmont Bird Conservation Plan.  A long-term conservation plan for all birds native to the Southern Piedmont. 


Strazanac, J. S., and L. Butler (eds.).  2005.  Long-term evaluation of the effects of Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki, gypsy moth nucleopolyhedrosis virus product Gypchek, and Entomophaga maimaiga on nontarget organisms in mixed broadleaf-pine forests in the central Appalachians.  FHTET-2004-14, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.  92pp.


Andrew, J., E. Clark, R. Cooper, T. Foti, L. Fenwood, D. Fuller, C. Hunter, J. Jackson, M. Lammertink, K. Ribbeck, K. Rosenberg, and R. Smith.  2006.  Recovery plan for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis).  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  155pp. 


Wilson, R., K. Ribbeck, S. King, and D. Twedt (eds.).  2007.  Restoration, management and monitoring of forest resources in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: recommendations for enhancing wildlife habitat.  Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Forest Resource Conservation Working Group.  137pp. 

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