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Spring 2018

We've had some very exciting changes in the Cooper Lab throughout the Fall and into the Spring Semester! This past November, Ryan Chitwood defended his master thesis with an excellent presentation of his research “Demographic Drivers of Population Dynamics at Trailing-edge Range Margins”. And he'll be sticking around to work on his Ph.D. under the co-advisement of Drs. Cooper and Richard Chandler, continuing his work at Coweeta and focusing on several species of warblers.

Above, Dr. Cooper extols on Ryan's virtues as a researcher and graduate student during his introduction at his defense.

Lauren Gingerella just earned her Masters as well, presenting this April about how exclosures increase reproductive success for Wilson's Plovers. Lauren will be moving on to work at the North American Land Trust. We are so proud of both these students!

Lauren wrapping up an awesome thesis defense!

Finally, Abby Sterling, the Cooper Lab research coordinator, will be leaving her position at the end of the month to work with Manomet Conservation Sciences as a shorebird biologist on the Georgia coast!

In the meantime, Will, Rhaianna, Ryan are preparing themselves for another field season. We will get updates when they return!

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